Account Management




Once becoming a client of Catton Casks you will have a designated account manager who will keep you informed about your casks performance, opportunities for buying and selling and offer full education on whisky history and production.

Our team of Account Managers have a wealth of experience in financial and alternative markets, so you can expect the best customer service in respect of looking after your whisky portfolio.

The purpose of having your own Account Manager is to guide you through this journey from start to finish, whilst keeping you up to date with how the market is performing and providing you with live offers either to sell casks within your portfolio or to increase your holdings.

Cask storage

Catton Casks have 15 accounts at HMRC bonded warehouses in Scotland. Many of these warehouses provide the option for you to take samples from your whisky cask, which will then be delivered to your home address. This is an extremely exciting process as you can taste your whisky at different stages of its journey. Please note excise duty and postage will be applicable to take a sample from your cask. If you do wish to do this, then please inform your Account Manager and we will organise this for you.



After you make an enquiry an Account Manager will arrange a time for a call. Whether you are an avid whisky collector, or simply looking at diversifying your portfolio into this asset class, our team will provide you with the most suitable recommendations to consider purchasing. All of the information provided by you will be dissected by our team into budget, risk, and time frame to ensure the portfolio being proposed is completely aligned with your strategy.

Whilst your casks are maturing in an HMRC bonded warehouse, you will receive notifications from your Account Manager for opportunities to sell, and opportunities to increase your holdings.


We have worked hard on ensuring that we have as many exit avenues as possible to ensure the sale of our private client’s whisky casks. Your account manager will be able to evaluate your casks and will recommend what route is best to go down to sell. Through networking and building new relationships within the industry, we have been able to build our B2B arm which allows us to buy and sell casks to other companies on a weekly basis. These companies are typically other whisky cask companies or IBs. By opening up this arm of the business, we are able to showcase our private clients casks to our large network of businesses who want to buy casks in cask format, not bottles, making an exit ideal and time efficient for our private clients.


Independent Bottlers

IBs are a great way to sell your casks out of the market which we will facilitate for you. Independent Bottlers purchase whisky from entities or distilleries and then bottle and sell under a third party’s brand or name. Due to Catton Casks always networking and building relationships within the market, once your cask has reached optimal maturation, we can then showcase your casks to our affiliates within the market to purchase.

Catton Casks Buy Back

We fully appreciate sometimes circumstances change in life. If you were to have a portfolio with us which originally had a 5 year strategy, however you needed access to the capital you used to purchase your cask/casks, then Catton Casks would be able to offer a direct buy back for your holdings. There are no fees or penalties involved.
